Archives for MediateBC

Family Mediators are Available Across BC

Mediate BC has a roster of family mediators who have met our stringent requirements in:

  • Training (mediation, family dynamics, safety screening, etc.)
  • Experience (experience as a family mediator)
  • Professionalism (adhering to our Standards of Conduct, ongoing professional development and more)
If you need a family mediator in BC, visit our… more »

Family Mediation is Timely

Legal disputes in the court system can take months or even years to complete.  The longer a family dispute takes to resolve the higher the financial and emotional toll on the family.  This is where mediation can help. A Department of Justice Canada study in 2007 found that cases whichmore »

Our Favorite Word for 2015!

Curiosity. You can’t have a real conversation without curiosity. It can lead to creative and innovation approaches to conflict and open a pathway to resolution. We all know this but I wonder how many conflict resolvers make a concerted effort to identify and uncover their own assumptions and to be… more »

Robson Square ODR Pilot Now Open for Business!

We welcome a special guest post today from Monique Steensma, Manager of the Court Mediation Program of Mediate BC.  Monique describes an exciting new Online Dispute Resolution / Mediation initiative available to small claims litigants at Robson Square Provincial Court in Vancouver.  Feel free to pass this important information along … more »

Settlement Smarts for Self-represented People

Professor Julie Macfarlane and her team at the National Self-represented Litigants Project have produced a terrific resource for the public. It is a plain language document that provides a practical and easy-to-use guide to settlement. Mediators should take a look and consider referring clients to this helpful resource –… more »

BC Teachers’ Dispute: The Need to Find Common Ground

Today we are very pleased to feature an article recently penned by Mediate BC Roster Mediator Julia Menard.  She explores the complexity of the current BC teachers’ dispute from the perspective of a conflict resolution practitioner:  how can we move through impasse (even a seemingly intractable impasse)?  Her insightful… more »