Archives for Technology

Robson Square ODR Pilot Now Open for Business!

We welcome a special guest post today from Monique Steensma, Manager of the Court Mediation Program of Mediate BC.  Monique describes an exciting new Online Dispute Resolution / Mediation initiative available to small claims litigants at Robson Square Provincial Court in Vancouver.  Feel free to pass this important information along … more »

Settlement Smarts for Self-represented People

Professor Julie Macfarlane and her team at the National Self-represented Litigants Project have produced a terrific resource for the public. It is a plain language document that provides a practical and easy-to-use guide to settlement. Mediators should take a look and consider referring clients to this helpful resource –… more »

How can the justice system more effectively use mediation to enable SRLs to obtain fair resolution of their conflicts?

I have been very inspired by the ongoing posts to the National Self-Represented Litigants Project blog.  My post last week was an introduction to a very important topic featuring frequently in that blog.  This post takes the topic to a slightly deeper level. One could write an entire book… more »

Supporting Negotiations between Adult Children and Their Parents – the Child Support Eligibility Mediation Project

Part 1 Mediation has become a common method of resolving family disputes arising out of separation and divorce such as who should pay support for the families’ children.  In fact, in British Columbia, the Family Law Act strongly recommends using “out of court” resolution processes including mediation. But what about… more »

Elevator Technology and Triage

I recently discovered that elevator technology is fascinating.  Great minds have been developing ways to make our vertical travel faster and more efficient.  They have come up with a process that can reduce waiting time by 30%.  This article describes a relatively new system involving an electronic pad in the … more »

Distance Mediation Project Posts Available Here!

As many of you know, Mediate BC’s Distance Mediation Project (also affectionately known as the Technology-Assisted Mediation Project) published its Practice Guidelines and Final Evaluation Report earlier this year.  They can be found here.  One of the most impressive products of that six-year effort was the Project Blog, created… more »