Archives for Communication

Our Favorite Word for 2015!

Curiosity. You can’t have a real conversation without curiosity. It can lead to creative and innovation approaches to conflict and open a pathway to resolution. We all know this but I wonder how many conflict resolvers make a concerted effort to identify and uncover their own assumptions and to be… more »

BC Teachers’ Dispute: The Need to Find Common Ground

Today we are very pleased to feature an article recently penned by Mediate BC Roster Mediator Julia Menard.  She explores the complexity of the current BC teachers’ dispute from the perspective of a conflict resolution practitioner:  how can we move through impasse (even a seemingly intractable impasse)?  Her insightful… more »

Whale Songs – what has this got to do with mediation Part 4

During the summer of 2012 I had the privilege of spending two glorious weeks boating in Johnstone Straits and the Broughton Archipelago.  We saw awe-inspiring scenery and displays of wildlife in their natural habitat.  We witnessed orcas rubbing themselves on the rocks at Robson Bight; we saw two minke whales… more »