Archives for January 2012

Family Mediation on the Horizon? 3 Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

No introduction is needed for today’s post, which comes from Victoria’s own Jane Henderson, Q.C., member of our distance mediation team and author of our immensely popular blog post, Family Mediation: One Lawyer Tells How She Does It:

Jane Henderson, Q.C.
I have noticed three common mistakes people
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How dark is it on the dark side? The environmental downside of using technology for mediation

Today, we warmly welcome Colleen Getz — evaluator for the previous phase of our distance mediation service — as she follows up on an earlier post in which she discussed the environmental benefits of meeting with the help of technology:

We humans have a bad habit of creating new problems
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Mediator – Know Thyself! (Part II)

In last week’s post, Kari Boyle, Executive Director of Mediate BC Society, raised the topic of mediator competence and the need for self-awareness to guide one’s decisions about whether one has sufficient knowledge and experience to act as a mediator in a given case.  Today, she tackles the… more »

Mediator – Know Thyself! (Part I)

Today’s post is the first in a two-part series on mediator competence and self-awareness.  It is our good fortune to have guest blogger,  Kari Boyle, Executive Director of Mediate BC Society, share some of her thoughts on what just may be one of the most interesting – and challenging… more »

The hot chocolate question du jour: “Why family mediation in B.C.?”

Never in a month of Sundays would I have thought that I’d spend the recent holiday season being grilled about family mediation.  The topic du jour, amongst my friends in any event, seemed to be prompted by B.C.’s new Family Law Act and its support of non-court dispute resolution processes,… more »

Celebrating being Clawbied in 2011

It occurred to me as I sat down at my desk, this first work morning after New Year’s Eve, that some of you may be in the mood to continue celebrating.  If you are, and you are looking for a socially acceptable reason to do so, I may have one… more »