About MediateBC

The Mediate BC Society is committed to providing people with practical, accessible, and affordable choices to prevent, manage and resolve disputes.

Mediate BC provides a range of training, service, development and quality monitoring programs to support and develop capacity in dispute resolution services in B.C. For many years, the Society and its predecessors have provided a stable source of competent mediation professionals. We have also been an agent of change to improve access to justice in the province by piloting new processes, reaching out to underserved communities and introducing a problem solving approach to justice system professionals and users.

Our new blog is intended to create space for a dialogue about these issues, to share information and to seek feedback.

Mediate BC specializes in mediation. Our expertise and experience includes a wide variety of dispute resolution tools and processes. We can help people to choose the mediation approach that matches their needs, including collaborative methods that preserve and enhance relationships.

Mediate BC offers mediation information, services and programs for individuals, families and organizations. We also support mediators and other dispute resolution professionals with training, professional development and resources.

To find out more, please visit us online at mediatebc.com.