Archives for April 2012

The Best Interests of Children: Negotiating in the Shadow of the Law

Today, it is my privilege to publish a post about what is undoubtedly the single most important consideration for separating parents — including when they are participating in family mediation.  My thanks go to our highly esteemed distance mediation team member, Eugene Raponi, Q.C., for providing us with this… more »

Daring to care

They are still rolling around in my head, those compelling voices from the Oiled Wildlife First Responder training course which I attended in Nanaimo last weekend. The sold-out course, hosted by the Oiled Wildlife Society and Wildlife Rehabilitators’ Network of British Columbia, was presented to a room packed full… more »

Thirty days hath September …and so does our distance mediation service

In an earlier post, I let you know that our distance mediation service will be able to accept new clients until May 15th only.  That is now just thirty short days away! If you are among the many British Columbians undergoing separation or divorce, and you’d like to… more »

When do I recommend mediation for my family clients?

Our popular guest blogger, Kari Boyle, Executive Director of Mediate BC Society, joins us again today with another thoughtful piece.  This time she explores the interesting question of when to recommend mediation to family clients: *   *   * I just read a very interesting post from Georgialee Lang about… more »

Picking from the peck of platforms (videoconferencing platforms, that is)

It’s no wonder we get so many questions from mediators about what we looked for when picking a videoconferencing platform to use for our distance mediation service.  The panoply of platforms that is available these days is positively dizzying.  Add to that the highly sensitive and confidential sessions that … more »