Archives for July 2014

How can the justice system more effectively use mediation to enable SRLs to obtain fair resolution of their conflicts?

I have been very inspired by the ongoing posts to the National Self-Represented Litigants Project blog.  My post last week was an introduction to a very important topic featuring frequently in that blog.  This post takes the topic to a slightly deeper level. One could write an entire book… more »

How Mediators and Lawyers Can Help to Make Mediation Work for SRLs: New post from the National Self-Represented Litigants Project

Professor Julie Macfarlane issued a new post to the National Self-Represented Litigants Project Blog today.  We highly recommend that both mediators and lawyers read it and consider how they can make the mediation process work better for self-represented litigants. It used to be that, in motor vehicle personal injury cases… more »