Archives for February 2012

When it ain’t easy to say the right thing: How distance mediators help

The difference between the right word and the almost right word
is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
(Mark Twain) I wish I’d seen that quote years ago, when I was in the midst of my own separation.  In hindsight, I can say without hesitation that many… more »

WANTED: Separated parents of children 18 or over

Today’s post is a hot-off-the-press announcement about a brand new mediation initiative of Mediate BC Society.  The announcement has been graciously provided by the initiative’s project managers, Shelina Neallani and Yuki Matsuno:

There are a rising number of young adults who are unable to leave the nest; “failure to
… more »

Last opportunity to use Distance Family Mediation Project’s service approaching quickly!

It’s hard to believe that in just a matter of months — June 30th, to be exact — our Distance Family Mediation Project will be coming to an end. If you are among the British Columbians who have been considering using our Project’s distance mediation service, you… more »

Mediation and the Two Wolves in us

I had that familiar, sinking feeling last night when I started cleaning out the inbox for my personal e-mails.  My old friend, Procrastination, had left me with a stack of messages whose fate needed deciding — 549 in total.  The feeling evaporated, though, the moment I started rereading an e-mail… more »