Archives for December 2014

Our Favorite Word for 2015!

Curiosity. You can’t have a real conversation without curiosity. It can lead to creative and innovation approaches to conflict and open a pathway to resolution. We all know this but I wonder how many conflict resolvers make a concerted effort to identify and uncover their own assumptions and to be… more »

Family Mediators Should Note New BCCA Decision on Spousal Support

Today we welcome a guest post by Marlene Russo, lawyer and mediator in Victoria BC.  Marlene is also Mediate BC’s Mediation Advisor in the Victoria Justice Access Centre. The October 2014 BC Court of Appeal decision in McKenzie v. McKenzie might well end up being a game changer for family… more »

New Family Mediation Referral Program Is Underway!

Mediate BC Society and the Legal Services Society recently launched an innovative new pilot program. The Family Mediation Referral Program assists BC families to achieve early resolution of family disputes involving division of property/debt and spousal support, in addition to any child related issues (such as parenting arrangements, guardianship, child… more »

Robson Square ODR Pilot Now Open for Business!

We welcome a special guest post today from Monique Steensma, Manager of the Court Mediation Program of Mediate BC.  Monique describes an exciting new Online Dispute Resolution / Mediation initiative available to small claims litigants at Robson Square Provincial Court in Vancouver.  Feel free to pass this important information along … more »