Archives for Distance Mediation Blog

Family Mediators are Available Across BC

Mediate BC has a roster of family mediators who have met our stringent requirements in:

  • Training (mediation, family dynamics, safety screening, etc.)
  • Experience (experience as a family mediator)
  • Professionalism (adhering to our Standards of Conduct, ongoing professional development and more)
If you need a family mediator in BC, visit our… more »

Family Mediation is Timely

Legal disputes in the court system can take months or even years to complete.  The longer a family dispute takes to resolve the higher the financial and emotional toll on the family.  This is where mediation can help. A Department of Justice Canada study in 2007 found that cases whichmore »

Robson Square ODR Pilot Now Open for Business!

We welcome a special guest post today from Monique Steensma, Manager of the Court Mediation Program of Mediate BC.  Monique describes an exciting new Online Dispute Resolution / Mediation initiative available to small claims litigants at Robson Square Provincial Court in Vancouver.  Feel free to pass this important information along … more »

A Short History of Family Mediation in BC

Although we tend to spend a lot of our time focusing on the future it is good to also consider and honour the past.  I was asked recently to provide a short summary of the development of family mediation in British Columbia – “just four or five paragraphs”.  Well, as… more »

Watching for Wood and Technology: What has this got to do with mediation Part 5

“Watch for wood!” yelled my Dad to his kids as we scooted off in small boats during our long summer holidays on Vancouver Island.  My Dad knew  that the hazards of boating on the BC coast included all the wood pieces, logs and stumps floating on the surface and lying… more »

Distance Mediation Project Posts Available Here!

As many of you know, Mediate BC’s Distance Mediation Project (also affectionately known as the Technology-Assisted Mediation Project) published its Practice Guidelines and Final Evaluation Report earlier this year.  They can be found here.  One of the most impressive products of that six-year effort was the Project Blog, created… more »