Archives for May 2012

Time to Connect With Our Roots

Welcome back to the Mediate BC Blog! These are interesting times in the BC justice sector.  The BC Justice Review, led by Geoffrey Cowper Q.C., is continuing, the Ministry of Justice tabled Bill 44 (the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act) in early May and the criminal prosecutions from the Vancouver… more »

Szervusz, British Columbia!

The word “szervusz” — used to say both “goodbye” and “hello” in Hungarian — seems especially fitting today. This is the last regular post for the Distance Family Mediation Blog, and a goodbye from our distance mediation team.  More importantly, it is also the beginning of a new, sibling… more »

How Good Emailing Can Improve a Bad Relationship

Today, you are in for a real treat.  Jane Henderson, Q.C., our perennially popular blogger and member of our distance mediation team, is back with another of her signature frank, but light-hearted, posts.  I hope you are settled into a comfortable chair because this is one you’ll want to… more »

“ODR: Making the ‘Green in the Machine’ Work for You” – A Free ADRHub Webinar for ODR Practitioners

If you’ve been patient enough to follow me on this blog, Twitter or Facebook, you will likely have seen my comments about a fabulous paper, “ODR: The Next Green Giant”, which was recently published in Conflict Resolution Quarterly.  (You can also download it here for free.) As if… more »