Archives for September 2011

“I listen better when I can talk” (and other disadvantages of videoconferencing in distance mediation)

In a recent post, I explored some of the advantages of using computer-based videoconferencing platforms to conduct family mediations from a distance.  In spite of our preference for these platforms, our distance mediation team recognizes that they also come with a number of disadvantages.   Some of these are inherent… more »

Time to focus on e-negotiation and e-mediation training?

Love it or hate it, communication technologies are a growing part of every professional mediator’s life these days.  Along with this growth has come an increasing interest in learning how to use these technologies competently, effectively and in a way that best meets the needs of the clients.  But, where… more »

Mediation when “all (s)he wants is to fight”

The burly, young tradesman sitting in my kitchen last week was tapping the side of his coffee mug as he told me the story of his divorce.  It had taken place many years ago but the topic, very obviously, continued to stir up intense emotions in what seemed to be… more »

Whoa…! Is that a Margarita you’re drinking? (and 5 other advantages of videoconferencing in distance mediation)

A growing number of mediators have, of late, been asking me what type of communication technology our service uses to conduct distance family mediations – and why. Being a fan of circumlocution, I always point out first that safety considerations and client preference, comfort level and accessibility to technology are… more »