Archives for Lawyers

Settlement Smarts for Self-represented People

Professor Julie Macfarlane and her team at the National Self-represented Litigants Project have produced a terrific resource for the public. It is a plain language document that provides a practical and easy-to-use guide to settlement. Mediators should take a look and consider referring clients to this helpful resource –… more »

How can the justice system more effectively use mediation to enable SRLs to obtain fair resolution of their conflicts?

I have been very inspired by the ongoing posts to the National Self-Represented Litigants Project blog.  My post last week was an introduction to a very important topic featuring frequently in that blog.  This post takes the topic to a slightly deeper level. One could write an entire book… more »

How Mediators and Lawyers Can Help to Make Mediation Work for SRLs: New post from the National Self-Represented Litigants Project

Professor Julie Macfarlane issued a new post to the National Self-Represented Litigants Project Blog today.  We highly recommend that both mediators and lawyers read it and consider how they can make the mediation process work better for self-represented litigants. It used to be that, in motor vehicle personal injury cases… more »

The legal consequences of a refusal to mediate

Our special guest blogger today is Brian Gibbard, experienced lawyer and mediator and a member of the Board of Directors of Mediate BC Society.  He recently published an article in Briefly!, the newsletter published by the Law Courts Centre (thank you Dom) and kindly agreed to allow us to reproducemore »

Watching for Wood and Technology: What has this got to do with mediation Part 5

“Watch for wood!” yelled my Dad to his kids as we scooted off in small boats during our long summer holidays on Vancouver Island.  My Dad knew  that the hazards of boating on the BC coast included all the wood pieces, logs and stumps floating on the surface and lying… more »

What Has This Got To Do With Mediation – Part 1

Today’s Guest Blogger:  Kari D. Boyle, Executive Director, Mediate BC Society Two things are happening as I grow older:  I can’t keep as many things in my head at once AND I seem to want to make connections between everything!  I try to read widely and keep up with current … more »

Ethical Blind Spots in Mediation and the Benefits of Mentorship

Welcome back to Mediate BC Blog.  Today another thought-provoking post from guest blogger Sharon Sutherland, Assistant Professor at the UBC Faculty of Law: As I prepare course materials for a new class in Ethics and Professionalism and also update readings for my tenth (!) time teaching the UBC Mediation Clinic,… more »

What Does Mediation Require of Articling Students?

Today we have the pleasure of a special post from guest blogger Sharon Sutherland.  Sharon is Assistant Professor at the UBC Faculty of Law at Allard Hall teaching Ethics and Professionalism, the Clinical Mediation Program and the Judicial Externship.  She was one of the founders of Mediate BC and the … more »