Archives for July 2012

Court Mediation Program Reaches 20,000 Case Milestone!

Today’s post is provided by guest blogger Monique Steensma who provides an excellent reason to celebrate – read on! On July 11, 2012 Mediate BC’s Court Mediation Program (CMP) hit a major milestone—the 20,000th case was referred to us since 1998! We have come a long way in 14… more »

Popular Culture in Dispute Resolution Training

Today’s post is from our special guest blogger Sharon Sutherland.  Sharon is Assistant Professor at the UBC Faculty of Law at Allard Hall teaching Ethics and Professionalism, the Clinical Mediation Program and the Judicial Externship.  She was one of the founders of Mediate BC and the CoRe Conflict Resolution Clinic … more »

Happy 2nd Birthday to the Vancouver Justice Access Centre

Have you ever opened your jewelry drawer and found that your fragile necklaces had all bunched up together in a complete tangle?  It can take hours to unwind the mess.  You follow one strand through the maze only to reach a dead end and have to start again with another… more »