Family Mediation is Effective


The Mediate BC Mediator Survey 2014 found that over 90% of mediations resolved all issues or helped the parties move towards resolution. These resolution rates were particularly high in family mediations where:

  • 81% Resolved all issues
  • 17% Did not resolve all issues, but assisted the parties to move towards resolution

The benefits of family mediation were also revealed in participant satisfaction rates:

  • 93%: Average satisfaction rate with the process*
  • 85%: Average satisfaction rate with the outcome*

*Includes mediation satisfaction of family, civil and workplace mediations.

Why is family mediation so successful in resolving issues and satisfying participants?  Reasons include:

  • Families are the ones in control of creating the solution. Mediators assist, or facilitate, the two parties to engage in productive dialogue and agree on what will work for them. The decisions are made by the parties (family members) not by the mediators.
  • Family mediation is affordable (more on this tomorrow).
  • Family mediation is timely (more on this later this week).
  • Family mediation is safe, confidential and can help to preserve good relationships.
  • Family mediation is flexible and can be conducted safely and effectively using technology tools in appropriate cases
  • Family mediation can result in creative solutions tailored to the family’s needs.

Mediate BC is hosting a panel discussion with family mediators in Surrey on February 17, 2015 and our family mediators are in Provincial Courthouses across the province providing information about family mediation to those engaged in the process of separation and divorce.

Today, family mediators are providing information in Provincial Courthouses in:LTIO Family

  • Kelowna (1355 Water St., 9:00am – 3:30pm)
  • Surrey (14340 – 57th Ave., 9:00am – 4:00pm)

For a full listing of information table locations, dates and times, please click here.

Categories: Access to justice, Communication, Family Mediation, MediateBC, Mediation, Separation and Divorce

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