Archives for Family Mediation

Family Mediators are Available Across BC

Mediate BC has a roster of family mediators who have met our stringent requirements in:

  • Training (mediation, family dynamics, safety screening, etc.)
  • Experience (experience as a family mediator)
  • Professionalism (adhering to our Standards of Conduct, ongoing professional development and more)
If you need a family mediator in BC, visit our… more »

Family Mediation is Timely

Legal disputes in the court system can take months or even years to complete.  The longer a family dispute takes to resolve the higher the financial and emotional toll on the family.  This is where mediation can help. A Department of Justice Canada study in 2007 found that cases whichmore »

A Short History of Family Mediation in BC

Although we tend to spend a lot of our time focusing on the future it is good to also consider and honour the past.  I was asked recently to provide a short summary of the development of family mediation in British Columbia – “just four or five paragraphs”.  Well, as… more »

The Best Interests of Children: Negotiating in the Shadow of the Law

Today, it is my privilege to publish a post about what is undoubtedly the single most important consideration for separating parents — including when they are participating in family mediation.  My thanks go to our highly esteemed distance mediation team member, Eugene Raponi, Q.C., for providing us with this… more »

When do I recommend mediation for my family clients?

Our popular guest blogger, Kari Boyle, Executive Director of Mediate BC Society, joins us again today with another thoughtful piece.  This time she explores the interesting question of when to recommend mediation to family clients: *   *   * I just read a very interesting post from Georgialee Lang about… more »

Why bother trying mediation?

Because, whether we want them to or not, our connections with others are enduring.  We can ignore them or deny them but, once made, they stay with us forever — as do any any loose ends left in our connections. This beautiful 3 minute video called “”… more »