Our Favorite Word for 2015!


You can’t have a real conversation without curiosity. It can lead to creative and innovation approaches to conflict and open a pathway to resolution.

We all know this but I wonder how many conflict resolvers make a concerted effort to identify and uncover their own assumptions and to be open to the possibility that they might be wrong. Owning up to our errors gives us opportunities to learn new things.

They didn’t teach us this at law school!

Good news for 2015 – it is not too late to learn how to be genuinely curious. If you are looking for a simple, step-by-step method of honing your curiosity I encourage you to take a look at a new book by my friends and colleagues Kathy Taberner and Kirsten Taberner Siggins: The Power of Curiosity – How to Have Real Conversations That Create Collaboration, Innovation and Understanding. Their website offers the opportunity to read all of Chapter One for free. I think you will be hooked.

The examples in the book range from business, leadership, coaching, personal relationships and parenting situations. This is a skillset that transcends the context.

I’m curious to find out your feedback about this book as you apply its approach in 2015.
From everyone at Mediate BC, a very Happy New Year!

Categories: Communication, MediateBC, Mediation, Popular Culture

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