Archives for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Robson Square ODR Pilot Now Open for Business!

We welcome a special guest post today from Monique Steensma, Manager of the Court Mediation Program of Mediate BC.  Monique describes an exciting new Online Dispute Resolution / Mediation initiative available to small claims litigants at Robson Square Provincial Court in Vancouver.  Feel free to pass this important information along … more »

“ODR: Making the ‘Green in the Machine’ Work for You” – A Free ADRHub Webinar for ODR Practitioners

If you’ve been patient enough to follow me on this blog, Twitter or Facebook, you will likely have seen my comments about a fabulous paper, “ODR: The Next Green Giant”, which was recently published in Conflict Resolution Quarterly.  (You can also download it here for free.) As if… more »

Time to focus on e-negotiation and e-mediation training?

Love it or hate it, communication technologies are a growing part of every professional mediator’s life these days.  Along with this growth has come an increasing interest in learning how to use these technologies competently, effectively and in a way that best meets the needs of the clients.  But, where… more »